Youth Ministry Ideas
World Religions Sermon Series
Sermon art and 5 PowerPoint Slideshows with photos and keys facts about the following religions: 1. Buddhism 2. Mormonism 3. Jehovah’s Witnesses 4. Islam 5. Review (Athanasian Creed) Format: Zip file containing Powerpoint, JPEG, PSD Size: 13mb Price: Pay what you want Put in your email and a donation if you want and a link will be […]
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Group Games app. Definitely worth $2 to have 120 “go to” games nicely organized in your pocket. Filter by group size, time length, etc. a great resource for sure. Hope you’ve all been having a great Lent season so far. Again, if you want to share an idea, make sure to direct message me because […]
Continue ReadingBlack Light Volleyball
Add strobes or black lights to take it to the next level. Perfect addition to your beach trip, all nighter, dance party, etc. Volleyball in general is a great equalizer where people of all skills can play together and have fun. View original post on our @YouthMinistryIdeas Instagram account
Continue ReadingChee-TOES
Chee-TOES – You can do it as an upfront game with a few students seeing who can move the most Cheetos out of one area in to another, or as large group relay where teams pass Cheetos down the line. When we played (see video below), we played with 4 teams, and each team had […]
Continue ReadingTAPE FACE – Scotch Tape Portraits
TAPE FACE – Scotch Tape Portraits – this could be a great ice breaker, mixer, over nighter 3am entertainment, etc. so many options. #scotchtapeportrait #stumin #youthmin #tapeface View original post on our @YouthMinistryIdeas Instagram account
Continue ReadingGalentines Day and BroBQ
Parks and Rec inspired #galentinesday and #brobeque. Sent by @bcrumpl. Love it. Waffle Dinner for the girls (like Leslie Knope) and MEAT for the guys (like Ron Swanson). View original post on our @YouthMinistryIdeas Instagram account
Continue ReadingBAE Watch – Relationship Series Art
Here is some free art for a series called “BAE Watch.” (click image for hi res version) Shout out to Brian Hurst Jr. and his ministry for sending this in. It’s perfect.
View GalleryShaving Cream Twister
A colorful twist on a classic game. You can use colored shaving cream, or even colored MASHED POTATOES! Instead of using food coloring, which WILL stain, try using tempera paint powder (washes out) to get your colors. View original post on our @YouthMinistryIdeas Instagram account
Continue ReadingSock Wars
Object of the game is to keep your socks on while everyone tried to rip them off you. Probably shouldn’t do co-ed. You can switch it up by saying you can’t touch your own socks at anytime. Check out @youthgroupcollective for lots of great ideas and graphics on his site Graphic by @youthgroupcollective […]
View GalleryIndoor Inner Tubing
Indoor Inner Tubing run set up in their sanctuary by @c7the_middles made out of plywood and plastic. I love how these guys use so much creativity and energy to create environments that their students will never forget. #indoorsledding #stumin #youthmin View original post on our @YouthMinistryIdeas Instagram account
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