Pre-Made Post Cards

Best idea I’ve seen in a while! At @marinersjhm they have a stack of pre-designed post cards and a drop box in an amazing youth leader lounge. This makes it SO easy for leaders to write a quick note to a student (students LOVE getting stuff in the mail btw).
Cards are printed with things on the front like:
– Happy Birthday
– I’ve missed you
– Just Because
– I Remember When…
– I’ve Been Thinking…
– I’ve Noticed, etc.
Also in the leader lounge, they have a place for leaders to hang their coats, read magazines and book on youth ministry, hang their name badges, write each other notes, get a team tshirt, get coffee, see the upcoming schedules, and get focused for the night. Amazing job @marinersjhm!
You can get a PDF of the files by emailing
View original post on our @YouthMinistryIdeas Instagram account
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