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Mattress Rollers

Mattress Rollers

Split everyone into teams of 5-8 kids and give each team a mattress. Instruct the teams to select one person to be the surfer. Everyone else are the “rollers.” Line up the teams at one end of a large room and have the rollers lay side-by-side underneath that mattress with the surfer on top. When […]

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Four on a Couch

Four on a Couch

FOUR ON A COUCH is one of those classic games for small gatherings and parties that never gets old.How to Play: Summary: Fun strategic memory game for medium to large groups. Great for teenagers to adults! Goal: Try to get four of your teammates on the couch! Preparation: – Four marked chairs or a “couch” […]

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Egg Head Battle

Egg Head Battle

Tape a raw egg on top of a helmet, and have students use pool noodles to try and smash their opponent’s egg. Play one on one, or have a whole team trying to protect one person with the egg helmet. Other versions can be played by putting an egg under pantyhose on top of all the […]

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Raw Egg Walk

Raw Egg Walk

With a little finesse kids can walk on raw eggs. There are a lot of games that could come out of this idea. #youthministryideas photo by

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