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Head Under The Box Scare

Love this classic scare game. Great video sent in by @pepc_student_ministries. To set it up, you basically need a table or board with a hole cut in it, or two tables next to each other with boards connecting them, some sheets, and some way to get kids to pick up the boxes to look under it. We’ve often set it up with a little speed challenge under each box, like a easy puzzle, count the m&ms, etc. with the final box being the head. Send a few students out of the room, and tell them they’re competing for the fastest time. Then bring them in one at a time and watch them get scared. Pro tip: select kids who you know don’t mind being a little embarrassed in front of everyone. The best reactions are from very dramatic kids 🙂

Love this classic scare game. Great video sent in by @pepc_student_ministries. To set it up, you basically need a table or board with a hole cut in it, or two tables next to each other with boards connecting them, some sheets, and some way to get kids to pick up the boxes to look under it. We’ve often set it up with a little speed challenge under each box, like a easy puzzle, count the m&ms, etc. with the final box being the head. Send a few students out of the room, and tell them they’re competing for the fastest time. Then bring them in one at a time and watch them get scared. Pro tip: select kids who you know don’t mind being a little embarrassed in front of everyone. The best reactions are from very dramatic kids 🙂

A video posted by Youth Ministry Ideas (@youthministryideas) on

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