SnapChallenge Halloween Edition
Perfect for your Halloween Party, this is a Halloween themed game, but there are no spiders, witches, blood, etc. It’s mostly just pictures of people with silly costumes drawn on them (Disney characters, super heroes, etc). Like the other SnapChallenge games, this fun, fast-moving Snapchat-themed game will test your students’ short term memories by asking them questions about a funny Snapchat doodle image that disappears after 5 seconds. Can be used as an up-front game, a team/table game, or an individual game.
This resource includes:
• 63 slides (10 Questions/Answers, Practice Round, and Tie Breaker)
• Title Slide
• Complete Powerpoint file
• Printable scoresheets (pdf)
More details
There are 10 rounds, each with a different question and answer. Then there is a tie breaker at the end.
The slide show needs to be advanced manually, except for the slide with the photo. This will advance automatically once the picture countdown expires.
Please let me know if you have an idea of how to make it better, or if you find any glitches. Thanks -Reid

Game Features:

Photo disappears after countdown

Photographic Memory Questions

Multiple Choice Answers

Hilarious Photos

Creative Drawings

Printable Score Cards Included
Download Size: 15mb
Format: Powerpoint (widescreen)
Donate & Download: $3
Just fill out the box below and donate whatever you want (minimum $3). Make sure to click “Get Download Link” once the box is filled out, and you will instantly be emailed a link. (we will never email you again – we hate spam…)