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Gallery Archives

Mattress Rollers

Mattress Rollers

Split everyone into teams of 5-8 kids and give each team a mattress. Instruct the teams to select one person to be the surfer. Everyone else are the “rollers.” Line up the teams at one end of a large room and have the rollers lay side-by-side underneath that mattress with the surfer on top. When […]

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Egg Head Battle

Egg Head Battle

Tape a raw egg on top of a helmet, and have students use pool noodles to try and smash their opponent’s egg. Play one on one, or have a whole team trying to protect one person with the egg helmet. Other versions can be played by putting an egg under pantyhose on top of all the […]

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Raw Egg Walk

Raw Egg Walk

With a little finesse kids can walk on raw eggs. There are a lot of games that could come out of this idea. #youthministryideas photo by

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Life Size Board Games

Life Size Board Games

Create something your students will never forget. Taking time to build special things like this communicates to your students that they’re worth it. Whoever made that 4th one is my hero.

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