Mad Gab
The Best MadGab Powerpoint Template on the Internet (Trust me… I’ve checked)
Designed in 2015, this is the best Mad Gab powerpoint game out there. It has 3 rounds (easy, medium, hard) with 10 questions each. It also has a scoreboard that will work on iPad, iPhone, Mac, and PC (using PowerPoint of course).

Mad Gab Game Features:

Score Board and 3 Rounds

30 Cards & Answers

Create You Own!
Download Size: 1mb
Format: Powerpoint (widescreen)
Price: Donate if you want to 🙂
● The Mad Gab Powerpoint is free, but you can donate to the site to keep us going.
● It also helps us get back to you sooner if you have a question.
● Just fill out the box below and donate something if you want to. If not, just put a $0 in the box.
● You will get an email with a link to download the file either way.