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Christmas Prizeball

Love this Christmas prizeball game! Wrap a bunch of candy in different layers of plastic / Saran Wrap, and pass a pair of dice around the circle. When you roll doubles or a seven, you get to take a turn opening the prizeball, until the next person rolls doubles or a 7. Keep whatever prizes you unwrap. Video by @riversben #saranwrap #prizeball #stumin #youthministryideas #youthministrychristmasideas

Love this Christmas prizeball game! Wrap a bunch of candy in different layers of plastic / Saran Wrap, and pass a pair of dice around the circle. When you roll doubles or a seven, you get to take a turn opening the prizeball, until the next person rolls doubles or a 7. Keep whatever prizes you unwrap. Video by @riversben #saranwrap #prizeball #stumin #youthministryideas #youthministrychristmasideas

A video posted by Youth Ministry Ideas (@youthministryideas) on

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